Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Please see SEND at Cranborne page for details of current SEND Parent Support

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Report 2024-2025


(Written and reviewed in collaboration with staff, parents and pupils in light of the SEND Code of Practice 2015)

Cranborne Primary School is an inclusive school and offer the following range of provision to support children with SEND. Some interventions may be over a defined period of time, whereas some may be a continuous vital support to enable a pupil to access their learning in school. This may require reasonable adjustments to be made to their provision and should incorporate the specific area(s) of need as identified in the Code of Practice.


  • Communication and Interaction - this includes children with speech and language delay, impairments or disorders, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia, hearing impairment, and those who demonstrate features within the autistic spectrum.
  • Cognition and Learning - this includes children who demonstrate features of moderate, severe or profound learning difficulties or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia or dyspraxia.
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health - this includes children who may be withdrawn or isolated, disruptive or disturbing, hyperactive or lack concentration.
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs - this includes children with sensory, multi-sensory and physical difficulties.

 An Inclusion Action plan is written and reviewed yearly and all school data is analysed to identify trends and areas of strength and improvement. This list details categories of support and what may be on offer for your child. It is our practice to use a holistic approach and consider the whole child and their unique combination of strengths and areas of difficulty. Mrs Keilty, our Headteacher, our SENDCo Mrs Holt, and the rest of the Inclusion team are always available to discuss matters around SEND and, together with parents/carers, will ensure that the right provision is in place for each child.

To view the schools policy on Admissions and Fair Access agreements please follow this link. 

We are an inclusive school and instil an “equality for all” ethos with our pupils. We take any incidents of bullying or discrimination very serious, please see our Anti-Bullying Policy for details on how we handle this.


SENDCo – Lucy Holt

Headteacher - Claire Keilty

Deputy Headteacher - Rachael Wood 

Pastoral Teacher - Elaine Aarons

Behaviour Lead and Pupil Premium Lead – Rebecca Christoforou

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistants (TA)

Pupil Premium/Special Educational Needs (SEND) Teaching Assistants

Learning Support Assistants (1 to 1)

Autism Champions

Mental Health Lead

All members of the school staff are part of the SEND team available to support your child.


Training and Qualifications

SENDCo – BEd hons degree Primary Teaching, QTS, experience in Autism and SaLT, previous experience working in Special schools for Children with Autism and other profound learning disabilities, Designated Senior Person training for Child Protection, STEPs behaviour, MAKATON trained, Autism Champion

Headteacher – BEd Hons degree, National Professional Qualification for Headship, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Protective Behaviours, Autism Champion, Safer recruitment, Adverse Childhood Experiences, First Aid at work, STEPs behaviour, Exclusions, Department for Education (DfE) Inclusion panel test development, extensive experience in Autism 

Deputy Headteacher - BEd Hons degree, Safeguarding Lead, Safer recruitment, Designated teacher for children looked after, first aid, STEPs behaviour, extensive experience in Autism and Behaviour management

Pastoral Teacher- BEd hons degree, QTS, Thrive trained, Designated Senior Person training for Child Protection, Protective Behaviours, Mental Health First Aid, Nurture, Lego Therapy, Relaxation, Mindfulness, Steps trained, Drawing and Talking, Play Therapy, Qualified Sand Stories Practitioner, extensive SEND experience.

Behaviour Lead and Pupil Premium Lead - BEd hons degree Marketing, advertising and PR, PGCE, QTS, NPQSL STEPs Tutor, Designated Senior Person training for Child Protection

Teachers and TAs – Qualified Teacher Status (Teachers), BA Hons degree, STEPs behaviour management, Dyslexia Friendly classrooms training, Tier 1 Autism training, various SEND training including Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Behaviour management, Specific Learning Difficulties (SPLD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), medical needs including epilepsy and allergies, speech and language.

Pupil Premium TA – As TAs above plus Elklan Speech and Language, NVQ level 3 qualified, Makaton, ADHD, Wave 3 literacy support for children with SPLD, Talking partners.



Planning and assessment

  • Individual Provision Plans (IPPs) are used to map provision for those with SEND requiring anything additional or different
  • Interventions planned as part of the four-part Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle
  • Flexible allocation of Teaching Assistants in classrooms based on needs of cohort of pupils
  • Flexible allocation on Learning Support Assistants in classrooms based on the needs of the cohort.
  • IPPs, planned interventions, pupil progress meetings and regular teacher assessments enable staff to allocate and match resources to children’s special educational needs and disabilities.
  • IPPs reviewed and adapted every term (3 times a year at half-term) according to progress made against individualised targets
  • Quality first teaching in every classroom
  • Arbor and CPOMS are used as an up to date record of children’s details 

Communication with parents – we recognise that you know your children best and welcome your input on their learning and development

  • If parents have any concerns regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or inclusion, they are advised to arrange a meeting with the Class Teacher or SENDCo.
  • Open door policy – access to Class Teacher, Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, SENDCo and Senior Leadership Team
  • Regular meetings with all paperwork shared with parents, including parent consultations
  • Updates regarding legislation produced
  • Details of workshops and forums publicised
  • Specialist advice sought and shared
  • Signposts to Parent and Support Groups
  • Personalised resources packs are prepared and shared with parents to support home learning
  • IPPs are used to set and review targets in collaboration with parents and child
  • Parenting support from Pastoral Teacher, Headship, SENDCo, STEPS tutor and Behaviour Lead, Family Support Workers and other agencies - non-judgemental advice and tips!

Support for families is crucial for achieving the best outcomes for children and young people in Hertfordshire. Parents and carers are not the only influence on a child's life chances, but effective parenting is one of the strongest protective factors for any child. To view the Hertfordshire directory for parenting provision, please click on the following link:

Communication with professionals

  • Specialist assessments requested when appropriate
  • Advice from specialist advisory teachers shared across whole teaching team
  • Training from specialists for teaching team when need arises
  • SENDCo attends regular training and updates both locally and nationally, including provision panel at county
  • Liaison with early years’ settings and secondary schools to support a positive transition to a new educational environment – professionals and parents can meet to discuss transition arrangements and visits to other settings are actively encouraged
  • Annual reviews, Team Around the Family, Child in Need, Child Protection meetings, core groups and other professionals meetings take place on a very regular basis
  • Multi-agency working between education, health and social care team
  • Educational psychologists can be contacted by parents via , please discuss this with the SENDCo so we can support you if necessary
  • SENDCo or another member of the inclusion team can accompany parents to medical appointments such as paediatrics, occupational health and CAMHS.


Medical interventions

  • Individual protocols for children with significant medical needs and allergies
  • Specialist training for staff to deliver medical interventions
  • Maintenance of medical equipment
  • Liaison with NHS medical staff to monitor and update care plans
  • Routine testing of emergency procedures
  • Team approach to carry out emergency interventions
  • Health Care plans in place to support more complex health needs
  • Defibrillator kept in staffroom and MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) for emergency use
  • 3 x first aiders at work (3 day training), 4 x Paediatric first aiders and all staff trained in basic first aid

 Please click the link to view our  Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy.

Supporting access to the curriculum

  • Use of a personalised curriculum where needed
  • Adaptations are implicit in all classroom teaching
  • Reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate different approaches to learning while maintaining high expectations that all pupils should achieve their potential
  • Adapted provision will be put in place, where necessary, for children with SEND attending school trips, including individual risk assessments.
  • Specific, fun and multi-sensory resources are used to increase engagement and aid understanding of key concepts. 

Please click the links to view our Accessibility and Equality policies.


Supporting independent learning

  • Use of visual timetables
  • Specialist resources to support all learners in English and Maths e.g. word cards, number squares and learning packs devised for learners with particular needs
  • Personal organisation strategies
  • Personal strategies to help moderate Sensory Processing Difficulties e.g. fidget toys
  • Self and peer assessment is used to enhance children’s ownership of their learning
  • Targeted time provided to practise, rehearse, review and improve through high quality feedback and marking
  • Use of IT such as iPads, laptops and recordable whiteboards


Speech and Language interventions

  • Teaching assistants and teachers liaise with specialists and SENDCO to regularly deliver interventions
  • 1 to 1 support from specialist Speech and Language Therapist TA
  • Specialist resources
  • Regular liaison with NHS therapists for children at targeted level
  • Specialist intervention from therapists for pupils with significant need 
  • Vocabulary and speech sound displays are in every classroom
  • Use of Signs and symbols to support understanding (Widget)
  • Wellcomm language assessment is used to screen children in Early Years


Support for children with hearing or visual impairment

  • Specialist advisory teachers to observe and offer advice
  • Magnifiers / visualisers / interactive whiteboards / seating arrangements / resources available
  • Soundfield system in classroom
  • Sign support
  • Strategic positioning in class to maximize access to learning
  • Access arrangements for testing
  • Regular maintenance of equipment 


English interventions

  • Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonic programme used across the school
  • High Frequency Words (HFW) spelling groups with teaching assistant
  • Range of materials to support comprehension skills
  • Reading books to support struggling readers
  • Home/School reading records
  • Handwriting interventions and aids such as pencil grips and writing slopes
  • Writing and Reading booster groups
  • Writing targets in place for every child
  • Cracking Comprehension
  • 1 to 1 editing and redrafting of written work
  • Accelerated Reader programme for children in years 2,3, and 4

Maths interventions

  • Specialist resources to support understanding of number e.g. Numicon
  • Small group sessions with Teaching Assistant
  • Specific Maths targets for all children
  • Booster classes
  • Mathletics
  • Times tables Rock stars
  • Range of manipulatives and visual aids
  • Targeted gap closing with Pupil Premium Teacher and TA


Support for emotional well-being

  • Timetabled support from Pastoral Teacher
  • Protective behaviours used for vulnerable children
  • Zones of regulation
  • Visual materials to promote overcoming barriers to learning (posters etc)
  • Support during unstructured times of the day e.g. focused activities at playtime/lunchtime
  • Support during transitions to new classes and to new schools:
  • Nursery and Reception children attend ‘settling in days’ at school, class teachers carry out ‘home visits’ prior to the children’s first day. Year 6 children visit their secondary schools and meet members of staff, to enable a smooth transition.
  • Weekly learning assemblies and celebration assemblies
  • Social groups
  • Well-being groups
  • Lego therapy
  • Drawing and talking
  • Playground buddies and peer mediators
  • Mindfulness
  • Nurture area
  • Pond area
  • Sensory garden


Support and strategies to help modify behaviour

  • Hertfordshire STEPs
  • Pastoral Support Programme
  • Personal strategies such as visual prompt card to help focus on positive actions when under stress, keyring, fans
  • Home/School diary – regular parental liaison
  • Support and advice from the Hive Behaviour Support Base and outreach from agencies (using 5 tier model)
  • Risk Reduction Plans and adaptation of classroom environment where needed
  • Pastoral Teacher to support children and families
  • Clear behaviour policy outlining strategies for managing behaviour


Support and strategies to help develop social skills

  • Use of peer support as positive role models
  • Taught positive verbal responses through social group interventions
  • Created opportunities to interact with others in a meaningful way e.g. buddies, learning partner or monitors
  • Lego Therapy
  • After school clubs e.g. Chess, choir and various sporting opportunities
  • Social stories to pre-empt situations and help develop pattern of positive behaviour
  • Visual timetables, now and next boards, clear routines and structure, specialist resources and speaking and listening activities to promote social interaction
  • School trips – where possible, adaptations and extra provision will be made to ensure all children can access a school trip


Support for children with Autism

In addition to all the above provision, we offer the following for children with Autism:

  • Autism Champions (Mrs Keilty, Mrs Davis and Mrs Holt)
  • Whole school training in Tier 1 Autism, including specialist Early Years Autism
  • Quiet area for relaxation and nurture
  • Sensory environment including soft furnishings, bubbles, visual and auditory stimulation
  • Advice on supporting children’s development at home
  • Signposting to Autism workshops, courses and conferences for parents
  • Close liaison with other local schools as part of the DSPL (Delivering Special Provision Locally)
  • Joint working with Communication and Autism team and other professionals
  • Specialist programmes, techniques and resources as listed above
  • Regular reviews of impact of provision and progress using the AET (Autism Education Trust) standards

The following links are useful in supporting parents of children with Autism:


The following links are useful in supporting parents of children with Down Syndrome:



Adaptations to the learning environment:

  • Internal - Adaptations to building are made where it is possible such as additional rails, ramps or specific furniture. The school has disabled toileting facilities.
  • External – continual enhancement of the playground to create a stimulating and relaxing multi-functional area for active games and reflection, including a level playground, garden and outdoor music area, MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area),Slide, Pond and Nature area.


Please find below a list of the agencies we regularly use to support children’s learning and development:


Educational Psychology

The Hive Behaviour Support and Outreach

Watling View Primary School Outreach service

Speech and Language

Specific Learning Difficulties / Dyslexia


ADHD Nurse

Hearing Impairment Advisory Service

Visual impairment Advisory Service

The Specialist Advisory Team

Specialist Advisory Teacher for Down Syndrome 

School Nurse

Step 2/CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health service)

Family Support Workers

Children Services

Families First / Intensive Families First


Herts County Council SEND team

Art therapy

Play therapy



Hertfordshire Steps

ISL team

Attendance Officer

Early Years SEND/Advisory team

Occupational Therapy

While this list details categories of support, it is our practice to use a holistic approach and consider the whole child and their unique combination of strengths and areas of difficulty. In the first instance, teachers will identify that a pupil may have additional needs and individualised provision will be commenced. The child’s progress will be monitored and provision modified accordingly. This information is shared with the SENDCO. If a child continues to require additional or different support, the school may use the category of ‘SEN Support’ and a tailor made programme of support will be drawn up, this is called an Individual Provision Plan (IPP). This is part of the Access, Plan, Do, Review (ADPR) support and is drawn up in conjunction with parents and children.



We will often use other professionals to help guide us in your child’s learning. The type of support could range from extra adult intervention, specific resources or strategies, adapted tasks or pre-learning. You know your child best so this will be discussed with you and your child so that we can get it right.

For pupils with complex and/or severe SEND, the critical need for additional provision may result in the school applying for additional funding to support a child, known as Higher Needs Funding. In addition, schools may apply for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan Assessment in order to gain an EHC Plan, which will outline long term objectives and strategies on behalf of all services. There are strict criteria for both of these and only apply to a very small percentage of children.

Please feel free to have chat with the school SENDCO, Lucy Holt, if you require any additional information. She is contactable via email:

If you have any concerns regarding our SEND procedures, please speak to a member of the inclusion team or Mrs Keilty. Alternatively, please follow the link to our complaints policy. 

Complaints Policy


Tel: 01707 652 714


Please visit for further information on SEND in Hertfordshire and the local authority's 'Local Offer' or visit for Hertsmere - Delivering Specialist Provision Locally.


Reviewed annually - Next review will be September 2025

Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Please see SEND at Cranborne page for details of current SEND Parent Support

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Report 2024-2025


(Written and reviewed in collaboration with staff, parents and pupils in light of the SEND Code of Practice 2015)

Cranborne Primary School is an inclusive school and offer the following range of provision to support children with SEND. Some interventions may be over a defined period of time, whereas some may be a continuous vital support to enable a pupil to access their learning in school. This may require reasonable adjustments to be made to their provision and should incorporate the specific area(s) of need as identified in the Code of Practice.


  • Communication and Interaction - this includes children with speech and language delay, impairments or disorders, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia, hearing impairment, and those who demonstrate features within the autistic spectrum.
  • Cognition and Learning - this includes children who demonstrate features of moderate, severe or profound learning difficulties or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia or dyspraxia.
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health - this includes children who may be withdrawn or isolated, disruptive or disturbing, hyperactive or lack concentration.
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs - this includes children with sensory, multi-sensory and physical difficulties.

 An Inclusion Action plan is written and reviewed yearly and all school data is analysed to identify trends and areas of strength and improvement. This list details categories of support and what may be on offer for your child. It is our practice to use a holistic approach and consider the whole child and their unique combination of strengths and areas of difficulty. Mrs Keilty, our Headteacher, our SENDCo Mrs Holt, and the rest of the Inclusion team are always available to discuss matters around SEND and, together with parents/carers, will ensure that the right provision is in place for each child.

To view the schools policy on Admissions and Fair Access agreements please follow this link. 

We are an inclusive school and instil an “equality for all” ethos with our pupils. We take any incidents of bullying or discrimination very serious, please see our Anti-Bullying Policy for details on how we handle this.


SENDCo – Lucy Holt

Headteacher - Claire Keilty

Deputy Headteacher - Rachael Wood 

Pastoral Teacher - Elaine Aarons

Behaviour Lead and Pupil Premium Lead – Rebecca Christoforou

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistants (TA)

Pupil Premium/Special Educational Needs (SEND) Teaching Assistants

Learning Support Assistants (1 to 1)

Autism Champions

Mental Health Lead

All members of the school staff are part of the SEND team available to support your child.


Training and Qualifications

SENDCo – BEd hons degree Primary Teaching, QTS, experience in Autism and SaLT, previous experience working in Special schools for Children with Autism and other profound learning disabilities, Designated Senior Person training for Child Protection, STEPs behaviour, MAKATON trained, Autism Champion

Headteacher – BEd Hons degree, National Professional Qualification for Headship, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Protective Behaviours, Autism Champion, Safer recruitment, Adverse Childhood Experiences, First Aid at work, STEPs behaviour, Exclusions, Department for Education (DfE) Inclusion panel test development, extensive experience in Autism 

Deputy Headteacher - BEd Hons degree, Safeguarding Lead, Safer recruitment, Designated teacher for children looked after, first aid, STEPs behaviour, extensive experience in Autism and Behaviour management

Pastoral Teacher- BEd hons degree, QTS, Thrive trained, Designated Senior Person training for Child Protection, Protective Behaviours, Mental Health First Aid, Nurture, Lego Therapy, Relaxation, Mindfulness, Steps trained, Drawing and Talking, Play Therapy, Qualified Sand Stories Practitioner, extensive SEND experience.

Behaviour Lead and Pupil Premium Lead - BEd hons degree Marketing, advertising and PR, PGCE, QTS, NPQSL STEPs Tutor, Designated Senior Person training for Child Protection

Teachers and TAs – Qualified Teacher Status (Teachers), BA Hons degree, STEPs behaviour management, Dyslexia Friendly classrooms training, Tier 1 Autism training, various SEND training including Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Behaviour management, Specific Learning Difficulties (SPLD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), medical needs including epilepsy and allergies, speech and language.

Pupil Premium TA – As TAs above plus Elklan Speech and Language, NVQ level 3 qualified, Makaton, ADHD, Wave 3 literacy support for children with SPLD, Talking partners.



Planning and assessment

  • Individual Provision Plans (IPPs) are used to map provision for those with SEND requiring anything additional or different
  • Interventions planned as part of the four-part Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle
  • Flexible allocation of Teaching Assistants in classrooms based on needs of cohort of pupils
  • Flexible allocation on Learning Support Assistants in classrooms based on the needs of the cohort.
  • IPPs, planned interventions, pupil progress meetings and regular teacher assessments enable staff to allocate and match resources to children’s special educational needs and disabilities.
  • IPPs reviewed and adapted every term (3 times a year at half-term) according to progress made against individualised targets
  • Quality first teaching in every classroom
  • Arbor and CPOMS are used as an up to date record of children’s details 

Communication with parents – we recognise that you know your children best and welcome your input on their learning and development

  • If parents have any concerns regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or inclusion, they are advised to arrange a meeting with the Class Teacher or SENDCo.
  • Open door policy – access to Class Teacher, Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, SENDCo and Senior Leadership Team
  • Regular meetings with all paperwork shared with parents, including parent consultations
  • Updates regarding legislation produced
  • Details of workshops and forums publicised
  • Specialist advice sought and shared
  • Signposts to Parent and Support Groups
  • Personalised resources packs are prepared and shared with parents to support home learning
  • IPPs are used to set and review targets in collaboration with parents and child
  • Parenting support from Pastoral Teacher, Headship, SENDCo, STEPS tutor and Behaviour Lead, Family Support Workers and other agencies - non-judgemental advice and tips!

Support for families is crucial for achieving the best outcomes for children and young people in Hertfordshire. Parents and carers are not the only influence on a child's life chances, but effective parenting is one of the strongest protective factors for any child. To view the Hertfordshire directory for parenting provision, please click on the following link:

Communication with professionals

  • Specialist assessments requested when appropriate
  • Advice from specialist advisory teachers shared across whole teaching team
  • Training from specialists for teaching team when need arises
  • SENDCo attends regular training and updates both locally and nationally, including provision panel at county
  • Liaison with early years’ settings and secondary schools to support a positive transition to a new educational environment – professionals and parents can meet to discuss transition arrangements and visits to other settings are actively encouraged
  • Annual reviews, Team Around the Family, Child in Need, Child Protection meetings, core groups and other professionals meetings take place on a very regular basis
  • Multi-agency working between education, health and social care team
  • Educational psychologists can be contacted by parents via , please discuss this with the SENDCo so we can support you if necessary
  • SENDCo or another member of the inclusion team can accompany parents to medical appointments such as paediatrics, occupational health and CAMHS.


Medical interventions

  • Individual protocols for children with significant medical needs and allergies
  • Specialist training for staff to deliver medical interventions
  • Maintenance of medical equipment
  • Liaison with NHS medical staff to monitor and update care plans
  • Routine testing of emergency procedures
  • Team approach to carry out emergency interventions
  • Health Care plans in place to support more complex health needs
  • Defibrillator kept in staffroom and MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) for emergency use
  • 3 x first aiders at work (3 day training), 4 x Paediatric first aiders and all staff trained in basic first aid

 Please click the link to view our  Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy.

Supporting access to the curriculum

  • Use of a personalised curriculum where needed
  • Adaptations are implicit in all classroom teaching
  • Reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate different approaches to learning while maintaining high expectations that all pupils should achieve their potential
  • Adapted provision will be put in place, where necessary, for children with SEND attending school trips, including individual risk assessments.
  • Specific, fun and multi-sensory resources are used to increase engagement and aid understanding of key concepts. 

Please click the links to view our Accessibility and Equality policies.


Supporting independent learning

  • Use of visual timetables
  • Specialist resources to support all learners in English and Maths e.g. word cards, number squares and learning packs devised for learners with particular needs
  • Personal organisation strategies
  • Personal strategies to help moderate Sensory Processing Difficulties e.g. fidget toys
  • Self and peer assessment is used to enhance children’s ownership of their learning
  • Targeted time provided to practise, rehearse, review and improve through high quality feedback and marking
  • Use of IT such as iPads, laptops and recordable whiteboards


Speech and Language interventions

  • Teaching assistants and teachers liaise with specialists and SENDCO to regularly deliver interventions
  • 1 to 1 support from specialist Speech and Language Therapist TA
  • Specialist resources
  • Regular liaison with NHS therapists for children at targeted level
  • Specialist intervention from therapists for pupils with significant need 
  • Vocabulary and speech sound displays are in every classroom
  • Use of Signs and symbols to support understanding (Widget)
  • Wellcomm language assessment is used to screen children in Early Years


Support for children with hearing or visual impairment

  • Specialist advisory teachers to observe and offer advice
  • Magnifiers / visualisers / interactive whiteboards / seating arrangements / resources available
  • Soundfield system in classroom
  • Sign support
  • Strategic positioning in class to maximize access to learning
  • Access arrangements for testing
  • Regular maintenance of equipment 


English interventions

  • Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonic programme used across the school
  • High Frequency Words (HFW) spelling groups with teaching assistant
  • Range of materials to support comprehension skills
  • Reading books to support struggling readers
  • Home/School reading records
  • Handwriting interventions and aids such as pencil grips and writing slopes
  • Writing and Reading booster groups
  • Writing targets in place for every child
  • Cracking Comprehension
  • 1 to 1 editing and redrafting of written work
  • Accelerated Reader programme for children in years 2,3, and 4

Maths interventions

  • Specialist resources to support understanding of number e.g. Numicon
  • Small group sessions with Teaching Assistant
  • Specific Maths targets for all children
  • Booster classes
  • Mathletics
  • Times tables Rock stars
  • Range of manipulatives and visual aids
  • Targeted gap closing with Pupil Premium Teacher and TA


Support for emotional well-being

  • Timetabled support from Pastoral Teacher
  • Protective behaviours used for vulnerable children
  • Zones of regulation
  • Visual materials to promote overcoming barriers to learning (posters etc)
  • Support during unstructured times of the day e.g. focused activities at playtime/lunchtime
  • Support during transitions to new classes and to new schools:
  • Nursery and Reception children attend ‘settling in days’ at school, class teachers carry out ‘home visits’ prior to the children’s first day. Year 6 children visit their secondary schools and meet members of staff, to enable a smooth transition.
  • Weekly learning assemblies and celebration assemblies
  • Social groups
  • Well-being groups
  • Lego therapy
  • Drawing and talking
  • Playground buddies and peer mediators
  • Mindfulness
  • Nurture area
  • Pond area
  • Sensory garden


Support and strategies to help modify behaviour

  • Hertfordshire STEPs
  • Pastoral Support Programme
  • Personal strategies such as visual prompt card to help focus on positive actions when under stress, keyring, fans
  • Home/School diary – regular parental liaison
  • Support and advice from the Hive Behaviour Support Base and outreach from agencies (using 5 tier model)
  • Risk Reduction Plans and adaptation of classroom environment where needed
  • Pastoral Teacher to support children and families
  • Clear behaviour policy outlining strategies for managing behaviour


Support and strategies to help develop social skills

  • Use of peer support as positive role models
  • Taught positive verbal responses through social group interventions
  • Created opportunities to interact with others in a meaningful way e.g. buddies, learning partner or monitors
  • Lego Therapy
  • After school clubs e.g. Chess, choir and various sporting opportunities
  • Social stories to pre-empt situations and help develop pattern of positive behaviour
  • Visual timetables, now and next boards, clear routines and structure, specialist resources and speaking and listening activities to promote social interaction
  • School trips – where possible, adaptations and extra provision will be made to ensure all children can access a school trip


Support for children with Autism

In addition to all the above provision, we offer the following for children with Autism:

  • Autism Champions (Mrs Keilty, Mrs Davis and Mrs Holt)
  • Whole school training in Tier 1 Autism, including specialist Early Years Autism
  • Quiet area for relaxation and nurture
  • Sensory environment including soft furnishings, bubbles, visual and auditory stimulation
  • Advice on supporting children’s development at home
  • Signposting to Autism workshops, courses and conferences for parents
  • Close liaison with other local schools as part of the DSPL (Delivering Special Provision Locally)
  • Joint working with Communication and Autism team and other professionals
  • Specialist programmes, techniques and resources as listed above
  • Regular reviews of impact of provision and progress using the AET (Autism Education Trust) standards

The following links are useful in supporting parents of children with Autism:


The following links are useful in supporting parents of children with Down Syndrome:



Adaptations to the learning environment:

  • Internal - Adaptations to building are made where it is possible such as additional rails, ramps or specific furniture. The school has disabled toileting facilities.
  • External – continual enhancement of the playground to create a stimulating and relaxing multi-functional area for active games and reflection, including a level playground, garden and outdoor music area, MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area),Slide, Pond and Nature area.


Please find below a list of the agencies we regularly use to support children’s learning and development:


Educational Psychology

The Hive Behaviour Support and Outreach

Watling View Primary School Outreach service

Speech and Language

Specific Learning Difficulties / Dyslexia


ADHD Nurse

Hearing Impairment Advisory Service

Visual impairment Advisory Service

The Specialist Advisory Team

Specialist Advisory Teacher for Down Syndrome 

School Nurse

Step 2/CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health service)

Family Support Workers

Children Services

Families First / Intensive Families First


Herts County Council SEND team

Art therapy

Play therapy



Hertfordshire Steps

ISL team

Attendance Officer

Early Years SEND/Advisory team

Occupational Therapy

While this list details categories of support, it is our practice to use a holistic approach and consider the whole child and their unique combination of strengths and areas of difficulty. In the first instance, teachers will identify that a pupil may have additional needs and individualised provision will be commenced. The child’s progress will be monitored and provision modified accordingly. This information is shared with the SENDCO. If a child continues to require additional or different support, the school may use the category of ‘SEN Support’ and a tailor made programme of support will be drawn up, this is called an Individual Provision Plan (IPP). This is part of the Access, Plan, Do, Review (ADPR) support and is drawn up in conjunction with parents and children.



We will often use other professionals to help guide us in your child’s learning. The type of support could range from extra adult intervention, specific resources or strategies, adapted tasks or pre-learning. You know your child best so this will be discussed with you and your child so that we can get it right.

For pupils with complex and/or severe SEND, the critical need for additional provision may result in the school applying for additional funding to support a child, known as Higher Needs Funding. In addition, schools may apply for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan Assessment in order to gain an EHC Plan, which will outline long term objectives and strategies on behalf of all services. There are strict criteria for both of these and only apply to a very small percentage of children.

Please feel free to have chat with the school SENDCO, Lucy Holt, if you require any additional information. She is contactable via email:

If you have any concerns regarding our SEND procedures, please speak to a member of the inclusion team or Mrs Keilty. Alternatively, please follow the link to our complaints policy. 

Complaints Policy


Tel: 01707 652 714


Please visit for further information on SEND in Hertfordshire and the local authority's 'Local Offer' or visit for Hertsmere - Delivering Specialist Provision Locally.


Reviewed annually - Next review will be September 2025

Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Please see SEND at Cranborne page for details of current SEND Parent Support

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Information Report 2024-2025


(Written and reviewed in collaboration with staff, parents and pupils in light of the SEND Code of Practice 2015)

Cranborne Primary School is an inclusive school and offer the following range of provision to support children with SEND. Some interventions may be over a defined period of time, whereas some may be a continuous vital support to enable a pupil to access their learning in school. This may require reasonable adjustments to be made to their provision and should incorporate the specific area(s) of need as identified in the Code of Practice.


  • Communication and Interaction - this includes children with speech and language delay, impairments or disorders, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and dyspraxia, hearing impairment, and those who demonstrate features within the autistic spectrum.
  • Cognition and Learning - this includes children who demonstrate features of moderate, severe or profound learning difficulties or specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, dyscalculia or dyspraxia.
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health - this includes children who may be withdrawn or isolated, disruptive or disturbing, hyperactive or lack concentration.
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs - this includes children with sensory, multi-sensory and physical difficulties.

 An Inclusion Action plan is written and reviewed yearly and all school data is analysed to identify trends and areas of strength and improvement. This list details categories of support and what may be on offer for your child. It is our practice to use a holistic approach and consider the whole child and their unique combination of strengths and areas of difficulty. Mrs Keilty, our Headteacher, our SENDCo Mrs Holt, and the rest of the Inclusion team are always available to discuss matters around SEND and, together with parents/carers, will ensure that the right provision is in place for each child.

To view the schools policy on Admissions and Fair Access agreements please follow this link. 

We are an inclusive school and instil an “equality for all” ethos with our pupils. We take any incidents of bullying or discrimination very serious, please see our Anti-Bullying Policy for details on how we handle this.


SENDCo – Lucy Holt

Headteacher - Claire Keilty

Deputy Headteacher - Rachael Wood 

Pastoral Teacher - Elaine Aarons

Behaviour Lead and Pupil Premium Lead – Rebecca Christoforou

Specialist Speech and Language Therapist Teaching Assistant

Teaching Assistants (TA)

Pupil Premium/Special Educational Needs (SEND) Teaching Assistants

Learning Support Assistants (1 to 1)

Autism Champions

Mental Health Lead

All members of the school staff are part of the SEND team available to support your child.


Training and Qualifications

SENDCo – BEd hons degree Primary Teaching, QTS, experience in Autism and SaLT, previous experience working in Special schools for Children with Autism and other profound learning disabilities, Designated Senior Person training for Child Protection, STEPs behaviour, MAKATON trained, Autism Champion

Headteacher – BEd Hons degree, National Professional Qualification for Headship, Designated Safeguarding Lead, Protective Behaviours, Autism Champion, Safer recruitment, Adverse Childhood Experiences, First Aid at work, STEPs behaviour, Exclusions, Department for Education (DfE) Inclusion panel test development, extensive experience in Autism 

Deputy Headteacher - BEd Hons degree, Safeguarding Lead, Safer recruitment, Designated teacher for children looked after, first aid, STEPs behaviour, extensive experience in Autism and Behaviour management

Pastoral Teacher- BEd hons degree, QTS, Thrive trained, Designated Senior Person training for Child Protection, Protective Behaviours, Mental Health First Aid, Nurture, Lego Therapy, Relaxation, Mindfulness, Steps trained, Drawing and Talking, Play Therapy, Qualified Sand Stories Practitioner, extensive SEND experience.

Behaviour Lead and Pupil Premium Lead - BEd hons degree Marketing, advertising and PR, PGCE, QTS, NPQSL STEPs Tutor, Designated Senior Person training for Child Protection

Teachers and TAs – Qualified Teacher Status (Teachers), BA Hons degree, STEPs behaviour management, Dyslexia Friendly classrooms training, Tier 1 Autism training, various SEND training including Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment, Behaviour management, Specific Learning Difficulties (SPLD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), medical needs including epilepsy and allergies, speech and language.

Pupil Premium TA – As TAs above plus Elklan Speech and Language, NVQ level 3 qualified, Makaton, ADHD, Wave 3 literacy support for children with SPLD, Talking partners.



Planning and assessment

  • Individual Provision Plans (IPPs) are used to map provision for those with SEND requiring anything additional or different
  • Interventions planned as part of the four-part Assess, Plan, Do, Review cycle
  • Flexible allocation of Teaching Assistants in classrooms based on needs of cohort of pupils
  • Flexible allocation on Learning Support Assistants in classrooms based on the needs of the cohort.
  • IPPs, planned interventions, pupil progress meetings and regular teacher assessments enable staff to allocate and match resources to children’s special educational needs and disabilities.
  • IPPs reviewed and adapted every term (3 times a year at half-term) according to progress made against individualised targets
  • Quality first teaching in every classroom
  • Arbor and CPOMS are used as an up to date record of children’s details 

Communication with parents – we recognise that you know your children best and welcome your input on their learning and development

  • If parents have any concerns regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities or inclusion, they are advised to arrange a meeting with the Class Teacher or SENDCo.
  • Open door policy – access to Class Teacher, Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, SENDCo and Senior Leadership Team
  • Regular meetings with all paperwork shared with parents, including parent consultations
  • Updates regarding legislation produced
  • Details of workshops and forums publicised
  • Specialist advice sought and shared
  • Signposts to Parent and Support Groups
  • Personalised resources packs are prepared and shared with parents to support home learning
  • IPPs are used to set and review targets in collaboration with parents and child
  • Parenting support from Pastoral Teacher, Headship, SENDCo, STEPS tutor and Behaviour Lead, Family Support Workers and other agencies - non-judgemental advice and tips!

Support for families is crucial for achieving the best outcomes for children and young people in Hertfordshire. Parents and carers are not the only influence on a child's life chances, but effective parenting is one of the strongest protective factors for any child. To view the Hertfordshire directory for parenting provision, please click on the following link:

Communication with professionals

  • Specialist assessments requested when appropriate
  • Advice from specialist advisory teachers shared across whole teaching team
  • Training from specialists for teaching team when need arises
  • SENDCo attends regular training and updates both locally and nationally, including provision panel at county
  • Liaison with early years’ settings and secondary schools to support a positive transition to a new educational environment – professionals and parents can meet to discuss transition arrangements and visits to other settings are actively encouraged
  • Annual reviews, Team Around the Family, Child in Need, Child Protection meetings, core groups and other professionals meetings take place on a very regular basis
  • Multi-agency working between education, health and social care team
  • Educational psychologists can be contacted by parents via , please discuss this with the SENDCo so we can support you if necessary
  • SENDCo or another member of the inclusion team can accompany parents to medical appointments such as paediatrics, occupational health and CAMHS.


Medical interventions

  • Individual protocols for children with significant medical needs and allergies
  • Specialist training for staff to deliver medical interventions
  • Maintenance of medical equipment
  • Liaison with NHS medical staff to monitor and update care plans
  • Routine testing of emergency procedures
  • Team approach to carry out emergency interventions
  • Health Care plans in place to support more complex health needs
  • Defibrillator kept in staffroom and MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) for emergency use
  • 3 x first aiders at work (3 day training), 4 x Paediatric first aiders and all staff trained in basic first aid

 Please click the link to view our  Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy.

Supporting access to the curriculum

  • Use of a personalised curriculum where needed
  • Adaptations are implicit in all classroom teaching
  • Reasonable adjustments are made to accommodate different approaches to learning while maintaining high expectations that all pupils should achieve their potential
  • Adapted provision will be put in place, where necessary, for children with SEND attending school trips, including individual risk assessments.
  • Specific, fun and multi-sensory resources are used to increase engagement and aid understanding of key concepts. 

Please click the links to view our Accessibility and Equality policies.


Supporting independent learning

  • Use of visual timetables
  • Specialist resources to support all learners in English and Maths e.g. word cards, number squares and learning packs devised for learners with particular needs
  • Personal organisation strategies
  • Personal strategies to help moderate Sensory Processing Difficulties e.g. fidget toys
  • Self and peer assessment is used to enhance children’s ownership of their learning
  • Targeted time provided to practise, rehearse, review and improve through high quality feedback and marking
  • Use of IT such as iPads, laptops and recordable whiteboards


Speech and Language interventions

  • Teaching assistants and teachers liaise with specialists and SENDCO to regularly deliver interventions
  • 1 to 1 support from specialist Speech and Language Therapist TA
  • Specialist resources
  • Regular liaison with NHS therapists for children at targeted level
  • Specialist intervention from therapists for pupils with significant need 
  • Vocabulary and speech sound displays are in every classroom
  • Use of Signs and symbols to support understanding (Widget)
  • Wellcomm language assessment is used to screen children in Early Years


Support for children with hearing or visual impairment

  • Specialist advisory teachers to observe and offer advice
  • Magnifiers / visualisers / interactive whiteboards / seating arrangements / resources available
  • Soundfield system in classroom
  • Sign support
  • Strategic positioning in class to maximize access to learning
  • Access arrangements for testing
  • Regular maintenance of equipment 


English interventions

  • Read Write Inc. (RWI) phonic programme used across the school
  • High Frequency Words (HFW) spelling groups with teaching assistant
  • Range of materials to support comprehension skills
  • Reading books to support struggling readers
  • Home/School reading records
  • Handwriting interventions and aids such as pencil grips and writing slopes
  • Writing and Reading booster groups
  • Writing targets in place for every child
  • Cracking Comprehension
  • 1 to 1 editing and redrafting of written work
  • Accelerated Reader programme for children in years 2,3, and 4

Maths interventions

  • Specialist resources to support understanding of number e.g. Numicon
  • Small group sessions with Teaching Assistant
  • Specific Maths targets for all children
  • Booster classes
  • Mathletics
  • Times tables Rock stars
  • Range of manipulatives and visual aids
  • Targeted gap closing with Pupil Premium Teacher and TA


Support for emotional well-being

  • Timetabled support from Pastoral Teacher
  • Protective behaviours used for vulnerable children
  • Zones of regulation
  • Visual materials to promote overcoming barriers to learning (posters etc)
  • Support during unstructured times of the day e.g. focused activities at playtime/lunchtime
  • Support during transitions to new classes and to new schools:
  • Nursery and Reception children attend ‘settling in days’ at school, class teachers carry out ‘home visits’ prior to the children’s first day. Year 6 children visit their secondary schools and meet members of staff, to enable a smooth transition.
  • Weekly learning assemblies and celebration assemblies
  • Social groups
  • Well-being groups
  • Lego therapy
  • Drawing and talking
  • Playground buddies and peer mediators
  • Mindfulness
  • Nurture area
  • Pond area
  • Sensory garden


Support and strategies to help modify behaviour

  • Hertfordshire STEPs
  • Pastoral Support Programme
  • Personal strategies such as visual prompt card to help focus on positive actions when under stress, keyring, fans
  • Home/School diary – regular parental liaison
  • Support and advice from the Hive Behaviour Support Base and outreach from agencies (using 5 tier model)
  • Risk Reduction Plans and adaptation of classroom environment where needed
  • Pastoral Teacher to support children and families
  • Clear behaviour policy outlining strategies for managing behaviour


Support and strategies to help develop social skills

  • Use of peer support as positive role models
  • Taught positive verbal responses through social group interventions
  • Created opportunities to interact with others in a meaningful way e.g. buddies, learning partner or monitors
  • Lego Therapy
  • After school clubs e.g. Chess, choir and various sporting opportunities
  • Social stories to pre-empt situations and help develop pattern of positive behaviour
  • Visual timetables, now and next boards, clear routines and structure, specialist resources and speaking and listening activities to promote social interaction
  • School trips – where possible, adaptations and extra provision will be made to ensure all children can access a school trip


Support for children with Autism

In addition to all the above provision, we offer the following for children with Autism:

  • Autism Champions (Mrs Keilty, Mrs Davis and Mrs Holt)
  • Whole school training in Tier 1 Autism, including specialist Early Years Autism
  • Quiet area for relaxation and nurture
  • Sensory environment including soft furnishings, bubbles, visual and auditory stimulation
  • Advice on supporting children’s development at home
  • Signposting to Autism workshops, courses and conferences for parents
  • Close liaison with other local schools as part of the DSPL (Delivering Special Provision Locally)
  • Joint working with Communication and Autism team and other professionals
  • Specialist programmes, techniques and resources as listed above
  • Regular reviews of impact of provision and progress using the AET (Autism Education Trust) standards

The following links are useful in supporting parents of children with Autism:


The following links are useful in supporting parents of children with Down Syndrome:



Adaptations to the learning environment:

  • Internal - Adaptations to building are made where it is possible such as additional rails, ramps or specific furniture. The school has disabled toileting facilities.
  • External – continual enhancement of the playground to create a stimulating and relaxing multi-functional area for active games and reflection, including a level playground, garden and outdoor music area, MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area),Slide, Pond and Nature area.


Please find below a list of the agencies we regularly use to support children’s learning and development:


Educational Psychology

The Hive Behaviour Support and Outreach

Watling View Primary School Outreach service

Speech and Language

Specific Learning Difficulties / Dyslexia


ADHD Nurse

Hearing Impairment Advisory Service

Visual impairment Advisory Service

The Specialist Advisory Team

Specialist Advisory Teacher for Down Syndrome 

School Nurse

Step 2/CAMHS (child and adolescent mental health service)

Family Support Workers

Children Services

Families First / Intensive Families First


Herts County Council SEND team

Art therapy

Play therapy



Hertfordshire Steps

ISL team

Attendance Officer

Early Years SEND/Advisory team

Occupational Therapy

While this list details categories of support, it is our practice to use a holistic approach and consider the whole child and their unique combination of strengths and areas of difficulty. In the first instance, teachers will identify that a pupil may have additional needs and individualised provision will be commenced. The child’s progress will be monitored and provision modified accordingly. This information is shared with the SENDCO. If a child continues to require additional or different support, the school may use the category of ‘SEN Support’ and a tailor made programme of support will be drawn up, this is called an Individual Provision Plan (IPP). This is part of the Access, Plan, Do, Review (ADPR) support and is drawn up in conjunction with parents and children.



We will often use other professionals to help guide us in your child’s learning. The type of support could range from extra adult intervention, specific resources or strategies, adapted tasks or pre-learning. You know your child best so this will be discussed with you and your child so that we can get it right.

For pupils with complex and/or severe SEND, the critical need for additional provision may result in the school applying for additional funding to support a child, known as Higher Needs Funding. In addition, schools may apply for an Education, Health and Care (EHC) Plan Assessment in order to gain an EHC Plan, which will outline long term objectives and strategies on behalf of all services. There are strict criteria for both of these and only apply to a very small percentage of children.

Please feel free to have chat with the school SENDCO, Lucy Holt, if you require any additional information. She is contactable via email:

If you have any concerns regarding our SEND procedures, please speak to a member of the inclusion team or Mrs Keilty. Alternatively, please follow the link to our complaints policy. 

Complaints Policy


Tel: 01707 652 714


Please visit for further information on SEND in Hertfordshire and the local authority's 'Local Offer' or visit for Hertsmere - Delivering Specialist Provision Locally.


Reviewed annually - Next review will be September 2025