Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Please email any of the staff with any questions that you may have!

Miss Almond  (Class Teacher)  

Miss Blanche (EYFS Lead & Class Teacher) 

Mrs Thomson  (EYP) 

Miss March  (EYP) 


In addition to the above staff there are also 2 other members of our lovely team:

Mrs Cable  (Learning Support Assistant)

Key dates for Spring 2025

Friday 14th February: Frienship Disco (EYFS 3.30 - 4,15pm)

Monday 17th to Friday 21st February: Half Term Holiday

Monday 24th February: Inset day - no children please

Tuesday 25th February: Story-telling visit

Thursday 6th March: World Book Day

Tuesday 18th March: Mental Health workshop for parents (9am)

Friday 4th April: Last day of term (finish at 1.15pm)

 Link to the school calendar

What we have been up to...


What we have been up to...


What a busy couple of weeks we've had in Reception! We had two lovely mums come in and talk to the children all about Hanukkah! This week we've been learning about Chinese New Year, we set up a chinese restaurant and the children loved visiting! 

This week we have been adding one more and one less to a number.  We have been placing the numbers 0 to 10 on a number line and using tens frames in maths to make the numbers.  In English we have been reading The Gingerbread Man.  We made our own story maps and wrote our own sentences about the animals he met.

In Art, we are learning about the artist Kandinsky,  We mixed secondary colours to create a representation of one of Kandinsky's pieces.  In Music, we have began to tune into the instruments in songs and will begin to use instruments to keep the steady beat.

Our learning environments in Reception

RA Classroom

RB Classroom

Bespoke Curriculum and Curriculum Map

Below you will find our Bespoke Curriculum and Curriculum Map which outlines the learning across the year!


Home reading


Some things to think about when reading with your child - 


Oxford  owl is a website we register for where you can access free online e-books linked to our phonics scheme. 

Username: cranborne

Password: school 1


Herts Library Service

Herts Library Services are offering free online books too however again, these will be sharing books.

Follow this link to access it.


Snow Day Activities

Here are some suggestions for having fun in the snow:

  • Make a snow angel - great for exercising your arms, legs and core muscles
  • Build a snow sculpture - it does not have to be a snowman!
  • Go for a winter walk and search for footprints in the snow - who or what do you think made the footprints?
  • Look for icicles - how do you think they were formed?
  • Can you write your name in the snow?
  • Try painting in the snow - simply mix snow and liquid paint in a pot then off you go!
  • Hide some objects in the snow then try to find them - don't forget to wear gloves for this!
  • Target practise - line up a set of objects then try to hit them using a snow ball
  • We would love to see what you have been doing in the snow; why not post your photos on Evidence Me?Enter text...



The BBC have some fantastic resources for children. Have a look on their page here for links to resources to help with most areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Phonics and Reading Resources


Useful websites: (for pure sounds) (for stretchy and bouncy sounds) (for games and resources) (for reading books and resources)


Alphablocks -


Maths Resources

At Cranborne, each pupil has a unique username and password for Mathletics.  This is found on the inside front cover of their reading record. Visit


Other Websites:

Numberblocks -


Espresso  Username : student15821  Password: rocket

Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Please email any of the staff with any questions that you may have!

Miss Almond  (Class Teacher)  

Miss Blanche (EYFS Lead & Class Teacher) 

Mrs Thomson  (EYP) 

Miss March  (EYP) 


In addition to the above staff there are also 2 other members of our lovely team:

Mrs Cable  (Learning Support Assistant)

Key dates for Spring 2025

Friday 14th February: Frienship Disco (EYFS 3.30 - 4,15pm)

Monday 17th to Friday 21st February: Half Term Holiday

Monday 24th February: Inset day - no children please

Tuesday 25th February: Story-telling visit

Thursday 6th March: World Book Day

Tuesday 18th March: Mental Health workshop for parents (9am)

Friday 4th April: Last day of term (finish at 1.15pm)

 Link to the school calendar

What we have been up to...


What we have been up to...


What a busy couple of weeks we've had in Reception! We had two lovely mums come in and talk to the children all about Hanukkah! This week we've been learning about Chinese New Year, we set up a chinese restaurant and the children loved visiting! 

This week we have been adding one more and one less to a number.  We have been placing the numbers 0 to 10 on a number line and using tens frames in maths to make the numbers.  In English we have been reading The Gingerbread Man.  We made our own story maps and wrote our own sentences about the animals he met.

In Art, we are learning about the artist Kandinsky,  We mixed secondary colours to create a representation of one of Kandinsky's pieces.  In Music, we have began to tune into the instruments in songs and will begin to use instruments to keep the steady beat.

Our learning environments in Reception

RA Classroom

RB Classroom

Bespoke Curriculum and Curriculum Map

Below you will find our Bespoke Curriculum and Curriculum Map which outlines the learning across the year!


Home reading


Some things to think about when reading with your child - 


Oxford  owl is a website we register for where you can access free online e-books linked to our phonics scheme. 

Username: cranborne

Password: school 1


Herts Library Service

Herts Library Services are offering free online books too however again, these will be sharing books.

Follow this link to access it.


Snow Day Activities

Here are some suggestions for having fun in the snow:

  • Make a snow angel - great for exercising your arms, legs and core muscles
  • Build a snow sculpture - it does not have to be a snowman!
  • Go for a winter walk and search for footprints in the snow - who or what do you think made the footprints?
  • Look for icicles - how do you think they were formed?
  • Can you write your name in the snow?
  • Try painting in the snow - simply mix snow and liquid paint in a pot then off you go!
  • Hide some objects in the snow then try to find them - don't forget to wear gloves for this!
  • Target practise - line up a set of objects then try to hit them using a snow ball
  • We would love to see what you have been doing in the snow; why not post your photos on Evidence Me?Enter text...



The BBC have some fantastic resources for children. Have a look on their page here for links to resources to help with most areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Phonics and Reading Resources


Useful websites: (for pure sounds) (for stretchy and bouncy sounds) (for games and resources) (for reading books and resources)


Alphablocks -


Maths Resources

At Cranborne, each pupil has a unique username and password for Mathletics.  This is found on the inside front cover of their reading record. Visit


Other Websites:

Numberblocks -


Espresso  Username : student15821  Password: rocket

Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Please email any of the staff with any questions that you may have!

Miss Almond  (Class Teacher)  

Miss Blanche (EYFS Lead & Class Teacher) 

Mrs Thomson  (EYP) 

Miss March  (EYP) 


In addition to the above staff there are also 2 other members of our lovely team:

Mrs Cable  (Learning Support Assistant)

Key dates for Spring 2025

Friday 14th February: Frienship Disco (EYFS 3.30 - 4,15pm)

Monday 17th to Friday 21st February: Half Term Holiday

Monday 24th February: Inset day - no children please

Tuesday 25th February: Story-telling visit

Thursday 6th March: World Book Day

Tuesday 18th March: Mental Health workshop for parents (9am)

Friday 4th April: Last day of term (finish at 1.15pm)

 Link to the school calendar

What we have been up to...


What we have been up to...


What a busy couple of weeks we've had in Reception! We had two lovely mums come in and talk to the children all about Hanukkah! This week we've been learning about Chinese New Year, we set up a chinese restaurant and the children loved visiting! 

This week we have been adding one more and one less to a number.  We have been placing the numbers 0 to 10 on a number line and using tens frames in maths to make the numbers.  In English we have been reading The Gingerbread Man.  We made our own story maps and wrote our own sentences about the animals he met.

In Art, we are learning about the artist Kandinsky,  We mixed secondary colours to create a representation of one of Kandinsky's pieces.  In Music, we have began to tune into the instruments in songs and will begin to use instruments to keep the steady beat.

Our learning environments in Reception

RA Classroom

RB Classroom

Bespoke Curriculum and Curriculum Map

Below you will find our Bespoke Curriculum and Curriculum Map which outlines the learning across the year!


Home reading


Some things to think about when reading with your child - 


Oxford  owl is a website we register for where you can access free online e-books linked to our phonics scheme. 

Username: cranborne

Password: school 1


Herts Library Service

Herts Library Services are offering free online books too however again, these will be sharing books.

Follow this link to access it.


Snow Day Activities

Here are some suggestions for having fun in the snow:

  • Make a snow angel - great for exercising your arms, legs and core muscles
  • Build a snow sculpture - it does not have to be a snowman!
  • Go for a winter walk and search for footprints in the snow - who or what do you think made the footprints?
  • Look for icicles - how do you think they were formed?
  • Can you write your name in the snow?
  • Try painting in the snow - simply mix snow and liquid paint in a pot then off you go!
  • Hide some objects in the snow then try to find them - don't forget to wear gloves for this!
  • Target practise - line up a set of objects then try to hit them using a snow ball
  • We would love to see what you have been doing in the snow; why not post your photos on Evidence Me?Enter text...



The BBC have some fantastic resources for children. Have a look on their page here for links to resources to help with most areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Phonics and Reading Resources


Useful websites: (for pure sounds) (for stretchy and bouncy sounds) (for games and resources) (for reading books and resources)


Alphablocks -


Maths Resources

At Cranborne, each pupil has a unique username and password for Mathletics.  This is found on the inside front cover of their reading record. Visit


Other Websites:

Numberblocks -


Espresso  Username : student15821  Password: rocket

Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Please email any of the staff with any questions that you may have!

Miss Almond  (Class Teacher)  

Miss Blanche (EYFS Lead & Class Teacher) 

Mrs Thomson  (EYP) 

Miss March  (EYP) 


In addition to the above staff there are also 2 other members of our lovely team:

Mrs Cable  (Learning Support Assistant)

Key dates for Spring 2025

Friday 14th February: Frienship Disco (EYFS 3.30 - 4,15pm)

Monday 17th to Friday 21st February: Half Term Holiday

Monday 24th February: Inset day - no children please

Tuesday 25th February: Story-telling visit

Thursday 6th March: World Book Day

Tuesday 18th March: Mental Health workshop for parents (9am)

Friday 4th April: Last day of term (finish at 1.15pm)

 Link to the school calendar

What we have been up to...


What we have been up to...


What a busy couple of weeks we've had in Reception! We had two lovely mums come in and talk to the children all about Hanukkah! This week we've been learning about Chinese New Year, we set up a chinese restaurant and the children loved visiting! 

This week we have been adding one more and one less to a number.  We have been placing the numbers 0 to 10 on a number line and using tens frames in maths to make the numbers.  In English we have been reading The Gingerbread Man.  We made our own story maps and wrote our own sentences about the animals he met.

In Art, we are learning about the artist Kandinsky,  We mixed secondary colours to create a representation of one of Kandinsky's pieces.  In Music, we have began to tune into the instruments in songs and will begin to use instruments to keep the steady beat.

Our learning environments in Reception

RA Classroom

RB Classroom

Bespoke Curriculum and Curriculum Map

Below you will find our Bespoke Curriculum and Curriculum Map which outlines the learning across the year!


Home reading


Some things to think about when reading with your child - 


Oxford  owl is a website we register for where you can access free online e-books linked to our phonics scheme. 

Username: cranborne

Password: school 1


Herts Library Service

Herts Library Services are offering free online books too however again, these will be sharing books.

Follow this link to access it.


Snow Day Activities

Here are some suggestions for having fun in the snow:

  • Make a snow angel - great for exercising your arms, legs and core muscles
  • Build a snow sculpture - it does not have to be a snowman!
  • Go for a winter walk and search for footprints in the snow - who or what do you think made the footprints?
  • Look for icicles - how do you think they were formed?
  • Can you write your name in the snow?
  • Try painting in the snow - simply mix snow and liquid paint in a pot then off you go!
  • Hide some objects in the snow then try to find them - don't forget to wear gloves for this!
  • Target practise - line up a set of objects then try to hit them using a snow ball
  • We would love to see what you have been doing in the snow; why not post your photos on Evidence Me?Enter text...



The BBC have some fantastic resources for children. Have a look on their page here for links to resources to help with most areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage.


Phonics and Reading Resources


Useful websites: (for pure sounds) (for stretchy and bouncy sounds) (for games and resources) (for reading books and resources)


Alphablocks -


Maths Resources

At Cranborne, each pupil has a unique username and password for Mathletics.  This is found on the inside front cover of their reading record. Visit


Other Websites:

Numberblocks -


Espresso  Username : student15821  Password: rocket