Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Autumn Term 2024

Staff contact details

If you need to contact us about your child then please use the email addresses below.


Mrs Davis  

Mrs Wasilewski


 Mrs Majevadia 

Mrs McCarthy

Key Dates and Reminders


Monday 2nd September - INSET day (no children)

Tuesday 3rd September - children return

Wednesday 18th September - Parent Information Evening 5pm

Monday 3oth September - INSET day (no children)

Tuesday 15th October - Open Morning

Monday 21st October - Stone Age Day

Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd October - individual and class photos

Friday 25th October - end of the first half term


This term we will begin by recapping on work completed in year 2. We will look at place value and how to regroup numbers. We will then look at adding and subtracting numbers mentally, before moving onto formal addition and subtraction. Times tables form a big part of our Maths learning in year 3. The children will be tested weekly on their tables and they will be expected to practise regularly at home. Please use Purple Mash to support your child's learning. 



For the first half term our book will be UG: Boy Genius of the Stone Age. This fits in nicely with our history topic on Prehistoric Britain. Initially the children will be writing instructions. The recount of the book.

Our big focus at the start of year 3 is on sentence writing. We want the children to become fluent writers and understanding what a sentence is made up of is an excellent starting point.

We will be continuing to work on handwriting, trying to develop a joined hndwriting style.. The children will begin to practice a cursive style focusing on their letter formation, sizing and correct joins. 

Useful Websites


Please find your child's log in details in their Reading Record. If you have any questions, please come and see us.



Purple Mash can 

Parents Information Evening

No data

Curriculum Overview for Year 3




At Cranborne, we are  committed to developing in children a love of reading. We will be introducing the children to new, exciting texts in class and in order to develop their fluency and comprehension skills, the children are expected to read everyday for at least 10 minutes (from a variety of texts). They will need to have their reading record signed and these will be checked regularly in school. In Year 3, the children will continue with the Accelerated Reader programme which focuses on comprehension as well as reading skills. The children will complete the Star Reader test at the start of term. This may mean that their current reading level may change slightly, but once they are back in the swing of reading each night this will improve once again.


Foundation Subjects

Art - In Art this term, we will be looking atcave paintings. They will look at the art work created by Stone Age people and try to recreate their own versions using pastels and charcoal. 

Music - In class, the children will  to sing a variety of songs. We will continue to use Charanga to help develop musical skills.

French - The children will begin their French learning by looking at the topic 'I am'. They will start by speaking French to each other before moving on to writing some words.

Science - In science, our topics will be Forces and Magnets. The children will discover what a force is and how magnets work.

PHSE - Our Jigsaw themes for the first half term will be 'Being Me'. Here the children will think about who they are and how they fit in to the world.

DT-  We will be looking at weaving towards the end of the term and think about clothes the Stone Age people may have worn and how they may have made their clothes.

IT - This will be taught weekly and will focus on using Purple Mash to premote online safety. The children will then write and send emails, before moving on to look at branching databases. 


PE kits need to be worn on a Wednesday and a Friday for both classes this term. 


PE this term will be on a Wednesday and a Friday afternoon.

On these days, the children need to come in dressed in their PE kits. Please ensure their clothing is  weather appropriate and that all PE clothing is named.

Water Bottles

Please ensure that your child comes in each day with a labelled water bottle. It is vital that the children stay hydrated throughout the day. 

Pencil Cases

The children will need pencil cases in school this term.  Please make sure all the equipment is clearly labelled with your child's name. Please include the following items

  • HB pencils
  • Eraser
  • Pencil sharpener
  • Ruler
  • Pink pencil
  • Green pencil
  • Glue Stick
  • Whiteboard pen 

You may also want to include some coloured pencils as well.


Please ensure that you are hearing your child read regularly (4/5 times a week). The reading records will be checked daily in year 3.




Prehistoric Britain

This term our topic will be Prehistoric Britain. We will begin by looking at life in Stone Age Britain and mapping changes from here, through the Bronze age and then into the Iron Age. History will be brought to life on Monday 21st October during our Stone Age Day. Further details about this will come out early in the new term.

Home Learning Work

If you would like any extra work for your child to complete then please have a look at the work below or visit the websites listed on this page.


Mat-1.pdf.pdf .pdf
Mat-2.pdf.pdf .pdf
Mat-3.pdf.pdf .pdf
Mat-4.pdf.pdf .pdf
Mat-5.pdf.pdf .pdf
Mat-6.pdf.pdf .pdf

Maths and English Skills

Maths and English skills.pdf.pdf .pdf
Year 3 Independent Maths and English Workbook.pdf.pdf .pdf