Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Welcome to our Nursery webpage...The class have started to settle into our routines...We have been having fun getting to know each other...Please check back regularly for updates on what is happening in Nursery...

     Autumn Term - 2024    

Welcome to the Cranborne Nursery Class Webpage. This is where we will be sharing useful information and reminders, alongside, updates on the children's upcoming and previous learning experiences with us.


We know that starting school can be a stressful experience for some, which is why we are always here to help everyone settle into our routines. We also understand that you may have lots of questions during the first few weeks (and across the year), so please ask one of us if there is anything you don't understand or just need a bit more information about. 

Our Routines:

  • We open our doors at 8.45am and encourage you to leave your child at the door, so they can independently put their coats and bags away before settling themselves at a busy fingers activity that will be set out.
  • We go to the library on a Friday morning - please send them in with a book bag to take their library book home.
  • Our PE day is Wednesday morning - your child does not need a school PE kit, however you can send them in wearing trainers (velcro please) and joggers/leggings that day.
  • Also a reminder that toys from home should not be sent into school.

A few other reminders:

*Please send in a named water bottle daily for your child too.

*Please make sure your child is in labelled school uniform.

*Please send your child in with a named book bag - especially on a Fridays for library.

Meet the Nursery Team

Mrs Mottram (Class Teacher):

Mrs White (EYP):

Miss Jennings (TA):

Mrs Waterhouse (LSA)

We are here to help you all. If you need anything or have any questions - no matter how trivial they may seem to you - we are always available to talk.

Thank you to everyone that came to the information meeting today. Below you can find the slides that I went through with you.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.

Our Learning

Below you can see our half-term Overview, but please bear in mind this can change as we follow the children's interests and current events that may occur.

Nursery Parent Information Meeting


Nursery Curriculum Overview Autumn Term 2024, Part 1


Each week we will be posting pictures and updates on your children's learning experiences and time in nursery, so please remember to check back regularly.

What have we been up to?

September 9th-13th 2024

We have spent the week getting to know each other.

It has been lovely taking the time to talk to and play with your children as the team get to know the children, and the children get to know all of us.

The class have spent lots of time getting to know our rules and routines, learning how we use different areas within our classroom and the outside environment.

We have spent time sharing stories and starting to look at all yout 'All About Me' books and posters.

On Wednesday we had our first PE session in the hall, where we moved around like different animals and then played some listening games and circle games.

On Friday we went to the library and had a story before we chose our own books to take home for the week, we can't wait to go again next Friday!

September 2nd-6th 2024

We had a really lovely week last week, visiting you at home and then welcoming you into school for your settling in sessions.

Next week will be spent spending time getting to know each other. We will be looking at and sharing your 'All About Me' books and posters across the week. Alongside this we will be talking to the children about our rules and expectations and introducing all the different learning areas across our room and outside.

The Learning Environment in Cranborne Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years at Cranborne we strive to create an environment that promotes a sense of curiosity, awe and wonder in the children.

An environment that also enables plenty of opportunities for them to self-select and demonstrate the characteristics of effective learning, and where the children can practise, consolidate and rehearse taught skills. 

We aim to provide the children with areas that are accessible to them and are organised in a way to promote independence and purposeful play.

The seven areas of learning are as follows:


Communication and Language* 

Physical Development*

Personal, Social and Emotional Development*



Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Expressive Arts and Design


*Prime Areas of Learning


Below you can see some pictures and a video tour of the Nursery classroom.


Key Dates for Autumn Term 2024


  • Tuesday 17th September - Nursery parent information evening 3.30pm.
  • Monday 30th September - INSET day, no children in school.
  • Monday 7th - Thursday 10th October - Book Fayre in school.
  • Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd October - individual and class photos.
  • Friday 25th October - finish for half-term, normal time.
  • Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November - Half-term break - school closed
  • Monday 4th November - back to school.


Link to the school calendar

Link to the school term dates 

Do you need weekend inspiration?

Hertfordshire are partners in a great tool for parents. A list of 50 fun things to do with your child before they turn 5. There are lots of great ideas to do as a family or with friends. Maybe you can try some over the half-term? If you do, don't forget to take photos and upload them to Evidence Me. That way we can ask your childrne to tell us all about the fun they have had.

You can download it as an app, or use the web based version, either way it is a great resource for ideas of fun activities to do together.

Please see the link here:!/welcome  for the web based version, or the document below for the app information.

Have fun!


Thank you to all the parents that made it to our New Parents Meeting on Thursday 6th June.

Below is a copy of the slides that we talked through. 

New Parent Meeting June 6th 2024


Supporting Maths at home.

Below are some links to sites that give examples of how to support maths at home. There is also a document to show some ideas for how you can support the different areas of the EYFS maths curriculum at home, and when out and about with your child.


Snow Day Ideas...

There are lots of different things you can do on a snow day. Below is a list of just a few.

1 Build a snowman - Don't forget they will need eys, nose, mouth, arms...what will you use?

Make patterns in the snow - this will help with mark making and writing skills.

Make a snow castle (just like a sand castle but colder!) and decorate it.

Make footprints with family and compare the sizes of your shoes and boots. Who has the smallest? The biggest? The middle sized? (can you find any footprints from birds or animals?)

Investigate melting! Find some containers to put snow in and put them in different places, inside, outside, wrapped up outside. Which melts the fastest? slowest? What happens when snow melts? 

Find some snowflakes - can you find 2 the same? 

Make some snowflakes - here is a simple tutorial How to make a simple snowflake

Describe the snow - What does it feel like?

Make some hot chocolate with a grown-up - What do you have to do? Can you describe the steps to someone so they could do the same?


Whatever you do in the snow today, we would love to see pictures! Please upload any to Evidence Me and we can look at them together when we are back in class.

Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Welcome to our Nursery webpage...The class have started to settle into our routines...We have been having fun getting to know each other...Please check back regularly for updates on what is happening in Nursery...

     Autumn Term - 2024    

Welcome to the Cranborne Nursery Class Webpage. This is where we will be sharing useful information and reminders, alongside, updates on the children's upcoming and previous learning experiences with us.


We know that starting school can be a stressful experience for some, which is why we are always here to help everyone settle into our routines. We also understand that you may have lots of questions during the first few weeks (and across the year), so please ask one of us if there is anything you don't understand or just need a bit more information about. 

Our Routines:

  • We open our doors at 8.45am and encourage you to leave your child at the door, so they can independently put their coats and bags away before settling themselves at a busy fingers activity that will be set out.
  • We go to the library on a Friday morning - please send them in with a book bag to take their library book home.
  • Our PE day is Wednesday morning - your child does not need a school PE kit, however you can send them in wearing trainers (velcro please) and joggers/leggings that day.
  • Also a reminder that toys from home should not be sent into school.

A few other reminders:

*Please send in a named water bottle daily for your child too.

*Please make sure your child is in labelled school uniform.

*Please send your child in with a named book bag - especially on a Fridays for library.

Meet the Nursery Team

Mrs Mottram (Class Teacher):

Mrs White (EYP):

Miss Jennings (TA):

Mrs Waterhouse (LSA)

We are here to help you all. If you need anything or have any questions - no matter how trivial they may seem to you - we are always available to talk.

Thank you to everyone that came to the information meeting today. Below you can find the slides that I went through with you.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.

Our Learning

Below you can see our half-term Overview, but please bear in mind this can change as we follow the children's interests and current events that may occur.

Nursery Parent Information Meeting


Nursery Curriculum Overview Autumn Term 2024, Part 1


Each week we will be posting pictures and updates on your children's learning experiences and time in nursery, so please remember to check back regularly.

What have we been up to?

September 9th-13th 2024

We have spent the week getting to know each other.

It has been lovely taking the time to talk to and play with your children as the team get to know the children, and the children get to know all of us.

The class have spent lots of time getting to know our rules and routines, learning how we use different areas within our classroom and the outside environment.

We have spent time sharing stories and starting to look at all yout 'All About Me' books and posters.

On Wednesday we had our first PE session in the hall, where we moved around like different animals and then played some listening games and circle games.

On Friday we went to the library and had a story before we chose our own books to take home for the week, we can't wait to go again next Friday!

September 2nd-6th 2024

We had a really lovely week last week, visiting you at home and then welcoming you into school for your settling in sessions.

Next week will be spent spending time getting to know each other. We will be looking at and sharing your 'All About Me' books and posters across the week. Alongside this we will be talking to the children about our rules and expectations and introducing all the different learning areas across our room and outside.

The Learning Environment in Cranborne Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years at Cranborne we strive to create an environment that promotes a sense of curiosity, awe and wonder in the children.

An environment that also enables plenty of opportunities for them to self-select and demonstrate the characteristics of effective learning, and where the children can practise, consolidate and rehearse taught skills. 

We aim to provide the children with areas that are accessible to them and are organised in a way to promote independence and purposeful play.

The seven areas of learning are as follows:


Communication and Language* 

Physical Development*

Personal, Social and Emotional Development*



Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Expressive Arts and Design


*Prime Areas of Learning


Below you can see some pictures and a video tour of the Nursery classroom.


Key Dates for Autumn Term 2024


  • Tuesday 17th September - Nursery parent information evening 3.30pm.
  • Monday 30th September - INSET day, no children in school.
  • Monday 7th - Thursday 10th October - Book Fayre in school.
  • Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd October - individual and class photos.
  • Friday 25th October - finish for half-term, normal time.
  • Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November - Half-term break - school closed
  • Monday 4th November - back to school.


Link to the school calendar

Link to the school term dates 

Do you need weekend inspiration?

Hertfordshire are partners in a great tool for parents. A list of 50 fun things to do with your child before they turn 5. There are lots of great ideas to do as a family or with friends. Maybe you can try some over the half-term? If you do, don't forget to take photos and upload them to Evidence Me. That way we can ask your childrne to tell us all about the fun they have had.

You can download it as an app, or use the web based version, either way it is a great resource for ideas of fun activities to do together.

Please see the link here:!/welcome  for the web based version, or the document below for the app information.

Have fun!


Thank you to all the parents that made it to our New Parents Meeting on Thursday 6th June.

Below is a copy of the slides that we talked through. 

New Parent Meeting June 6th 2024


Supporting Maths at home.

Below are some links to sites that give examples of how to support maths at home. There is also a document to show some ideas for how you can support the different areas of the EYFS maths curriculum at home, and when out and about with your child.


Snow Day Ideas...

There are lots of different things you can do on a snow day. Below is a list of just a few.

1 Build a snowman - Don't forget they will need eys, nose, mouth, arms...what will you use?

Make patterns in the snow - this will help with mark making and writing skills.

Make a snow castle (just like a sand castle but colder!) and decorate it.

Make footprints with family and compare the sizes of your shoes and boots. Who has the smallest? The biggest? The middle sized? (can you find any footprints from birds or animals?)

Investigate melting! Find some containers to put snow in and put them in different places, inside, outside, wrapped up outside. Which melts the fastest? slowest? What happens when snow melts? 

Find some snowflakes - can you find 2 the same? 

Make some snowflakes - here is a simple tutorial How to make a simple snowflake

Describe the snow - What does it feel like?

Make some hot chocolate with a grown-up - What do you have to do? Can you describe the steps to someone so they could do the same?


Whatever you do in the snow today, we would love to see pictures! Please upload any to Evidence Me and we can look at them together when we are back in class.

Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Welcome to our Nursery webpage...The class have started to settle into our routines...We have been having fun getting to know each other...Please check back regularly for updates on what is happening in Nursery...

     Autumn Term - 2024    

Welcome to the Cranborne Nursery Class Webpage. This is where we will be sharing useful information and reminders, alongside, updates on the children's upcoming and previous learning experiences with us.


We know that starting school can be a stressful experience for some, which is why we are always here to help everyone settle into our routines. We also understand that you may have lots of questions during the first few weeks (and across the year), so please ask one of us if there is anything you don't understand or just need a bit more information about. 

Our Routines:

  • We open our doors at 8.45am and encourage you to leave your child at the door, so they can independently put their coats and bags away before settling themselves at a busy fingers activity that will be set out.
  • We go to the library on a Friday morning - please send them in with a book bag to take their library book home.
  • Our PE day is Wednesday morning - your child does not need a school PE kit, however you can send them in wearing trainers (velcro please) and joggers/leggings that day.
  • Also a reminder that toys from home should not be sent into school.

A few other reminders:

*Please send in a named water bottle daily for your child too.

*Please make sure your child is in labelled school uniform.

*Please send your child in with a named book bag - especially on a Fridays for library.

Meet the Nursery Team

Mrs Mottram (Class Teacher):

Mrs White (EYP):

Miss Jennings (TA):

Mrs Waterhouse (LSA)

We are here to help you all. If you need anything or have any questions - no matter how trivial they may seem to you - we are always available to talk.

Thank you to everyone that came to the information meeting today. Below you can find the slides that I went through with you.

Please do not hesitate to ask any questions.

Our Learning

Below you can see our half-term Overview, but please bear in mind this can change as we follow the children's interests and current events that may occur.

Nursery Parent Information Meeting


Nursery Curriculum Overview Autumn Term 2024, Part 1


Each week we will be posting pictures and updates on your children's learning experiences and time in nursery, so please remember to check back regularly.

What have we been up to?

September 9th-13th 2024

We have spent the week getting to know each other.

It has been lovely taking the time to talk to and play with your children as the team get to know the children, and the children get to know all of us.

The class have spent lots of time getting to know our rules and routines, learning how we use different areas within our classroom and the outside environment.

We have spent time sharing stories and starting to look at all yout 'All About Me' books and posters.

On Wednesday we had our first PE session in the hall, where we moved around like different animals and then played some listening games and circle games.

On Friday we went to the library and had a story before we chose our own books to take home for the week, we can't wait to go again next Friday!

September 2nd-6th 2024

We had a really lovely week last week, visiting you at home and then welcoming you into school for your settling in sessions.

Next week will be spent spending time getting to know each other. We will be looking at and sharing your 'All About Me' books and posters across the week. Alongside this we will be talking to the children about our rules and expectations and introducing all the different learning areas across our room and outside.

The Learning Environment in Cranborne Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years at Cranborne we strive to create an environment that promotes a sense of curiosity, awe and wonder in the children.

An environment that also enables plenty of opportunities for them to self-select and demonstrate the characteristics of effective learning, and where the children can practise, consolidate and rehearse taught skills. 

We aim to provide the children with areas that are accessible to them and are organised in a way to promote independence and purposeful play.

The seven areas of learning are as follows:


Communication and Language* 

Physical Development*

Personal, Social and Emotional Development*



Knowledge and Understanding of the World

Expressive Arts and Design


*Prime Areas of Learning


Below you can see some pictures and a video tour of the Nursery classroom.


Key Dates for Autumn Term 2024


  • Tuesday 17th September - Nursery parent information evening 3.30pm.
  • Monday 30th September - INSET day, no children in school.
  • Monday 7th - Thursday 10th October - Book Fayre in school.
  • Tuesday 22nd & Wednesday 23rd October - individual and class photos.
  • Friday 25th October - finish for half-term, normal time.
  • Monday 28th October - Friday 1st November - Half-term break - school closed
  • Monday 4th November - back to school.


Link to the school calendar

Link to the school term dates 

Do you need weekend inspiration?

Hertfordshire are partners in a great tool for parents. A list of 50 fun things to do with your child before they turn 5. There are lots of great ideas to do as a family or with friends. Maybe you can try some over the half-term? If you do, don't forget to take photos and upload them to Evidence Me. That way we can ask your childrne to tell us all about the fun they have had.

You can download it as an app, or use the web based version, either way it is a great resource for ideas of fun activities to do together.

Please see the link here:!/welcome  for the web based version, or the document below for the app information.

Have fun!


Thank you to all the parents that made it to our New Parents Meeting on Thursday 6th June.

Below is a copy of the slides that we talked through. 

New Parent Meeting June 6th 2024


Supporting Maths at home.

Below are some links to sites that give examples of how to support maths at home. There is also a document to show some ideas for how you can support the different areas of the EYFS maths curriculum at home, and when out and about with your child.


Snow Day Ideas...

There are lots of different things you can do on a snow day. Below is a list of just a few.

1 Build a snowman - Don't forget they will need eys, nose, mouth, arms...what will you use?

Make patterns in the snow - this will help with mark making and writing skills.

Make a snow castle (just like a sand castle but colder!) and decorate it.

Make footprints with family and compare the sizes of your shoes and boots. Who has the smallest? The biggest? The middle sized? (can you find any footprints from birds or animals?)

Investigate melting! Find some containers to put snow in and put them in different places, inside, outside, wrapped up outside. Which melts the fastest? slowest? What happens when snow melts? 

Find some snowflakes - can you find 2 the same? 

Make some snowflakes - here is a simple tutorial How to make a simple snowflake

Describe the snow - What does it feel like?

Make some hot chocolate with a grown-up - What do you have to do? Can you describe the steps to someone so they could do the same?


Whatever you do in the snow today, we would love to see pictures! Please upload any to Evidence Me and we can look at them together when we are back in class.