Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Welcome to Year 6! 


 Welcome back children and families! We hope you have enjoyed the Easter break and are well rested, ready for a busy term ahead! We are so excited to enter the summer term and hope you are too! In the lead up to SATs, we will be working hard and revising lots. However, after this, we have much fun planned - production rehearsals, Isle of Wight, Sports day and preparing for secondary school transfer. 

Here, you will find all the information that you may need throughout the term: email addresses, resources and key dates. You will also find an outline of the topics we are covering in each subject. 

PE days for Summer term are Thursday (outdoor) and Friday (outdoor).

The Y6 team: 



Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher/TA if you have any questions/concerns.

Isle of Wight PowerPoint

IOW 2024.ppt .ppt

15/04/24 - Inset day no children please 

16/04/24 - First day back for all children 

17/04/24 - Matilda theatre trip for Year 4, 5 and 6 children 

6/05/24 - May bank holiday 

13/05/24 - 15/05/24 - Year 6 SATs week 

24/05/24 - Half term 

27/05/24 - 31/05/24 - May half term 

3/06/24 - First day for all children 

18/06/24 - Sports Day 

24/06/24 - Inset day no children please 

25/06/24 - Exhibition evening 5-7pm 

1/07/24 - 5/07/24 - Year 6 Isle of Wight trip 

11/07/24 - Transition day 

14/07/24 - FOC Summer fayre 

17/07/24 - Year 6 production 

18/07/24 - Year 6 production 

23/07/24 - Year 6 leavers assembly 9.10am 

23/07/24 - End of school year finish at 1.15pm 

Easter Revision answers

answer-pack-greater-depth.pdf.pdf .pdf
answer-pack-expected-standard.pdf.pdf .pdf
10-4-10-reading-answers-easter.pdf .pdf
10 4 10 spag answers easter.pdf .pdf


In the summer term, our writing will be based on the book Max and the Millions by Ross Montgomery. Max is used to spending time alone - it's difficult to make friends in a bustling, chaotic private school when you're deaf. When school caretaker, Mr Darrow, goes missing Max
makes a miraculous discovery – a tiny civilisation in the pile of sand on the caretaker’s floor. But where is Mr Darrow?

Alongside the adventure, and with a light hand, the story challenges assumptions about disabilities, helping children to see that they are all unique and special in their own way. 

From this, children will write a persuasive letter outlining issues that they feel passionately about to inspire and guide their writing. 


As always, we will continue to enjoy and engage with high quality core texts throughout our English sequences. For the first few weeks, our reading lessons will focus on comprehension keys and vocabulary  acquisition, exploring how precise and effective word choices impact a reader. 

In addition to this, each morning the children will be taught how to answer specific questions including those that require evidence to support their answer.  This is in preparation for the SATS and we use various extracts from past papers to achieve this. For homework each week, children will be given an extract to read and questions to answer relating to the text. We will go through this as a class as part of our Wednesday morning reading session so please ensure your child completes this on time.

Whilst your child may be confident with word reading, please do try to hear them read aloud in order to develop fluency. If you can, encourage them to discuss their reading with you by giving their opinion on a character or summarising what has happened. 

When reading with your child at home, you may want to use some of the following question stems: 

  • Find a word that shows/means/tells you that...
  • Give one piece of evidence that shows...
  • What does …. suggest about …..?
  • How does …… seem …..? 
  • Which word is closes in meaning to ….?
  • What impression do you get of....?
  • How do you know that...?


Spelling rules and patterns will be taught weekly during specific spelling lessons and revisited throughout the week. The children will also be given spelling words to learn at home that are taken from the Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling list. You can find these words as a document uploaded on the right hand side of this page. We will choose words from this list that are related to our core text, and therefore expect the children to use these in their writing. 



In Maths, we follow the Herts Essentials Scheme for learning. During the Summer term, we will work on consolidating knowledge already learnt and revising previous topics. Our units are: 

  • Algebra and Sequences
  • Fraction revision 
  • Percentages revision 
  • Decimals revision 
  • BODMAS revision 
  • Negative numbers revision


We use a mastery approach in mathematics, so the children will prove their ideas in different ways including images, bar models and representations.

Each morning, the children will complete early work. This involves the children answering arithmetic questions to help develop their mental fluency. You can help at home by asking your child arithmetic style questions such as: 

  • What number is 100 times greater than ...? 
  • Divide 400 by 8
  • Subtract 70 from one million 
  • What is one tenth of 6.5km? 
  • Find the difference between .... and .....?
  • Write one fifth as a percentage
  • What number is 10 times less than ...?  
  • Find 3/4 of 750
  • Round 342.45 to the nearest tenth





Our PSHE topic during the Summer term will be "Relationships". Within this unit, we will sensatively touch on the following: m
ental health and sources of support, love and loss, managing feelings, power and control, assertiveness and technology safety.


Our PE Days will be on Thursday and Friday. We would like the children to wear their PE kits to school on these days. 


In History, we will continue the topic throughout the first part of the Summer term, looking at 'How World War Two Impacted Britain'. The children will study the impact it had on children, men and women. They will explore the reasoning behind starting an evacuees program; looking at first hand recounts from families. The unit will also explore why rationing was so important during WW2 and pupils will use artefacts, pictures, stories, online sources and databases to find out about rationing. As well as investigating the use of  Propaganda – particularly looking into biased and unbiased sources of evidence.


 This term, our topic in Geography is Trade and Economic Activity. The key question we will be focusing on is: Where does our food come from? By the end of the unit the children will be able to: 

  • Explain what trading is
  • Explain the difference between imports and exports
  • List some goods exported from the UK
  • List some goods imported to the UK
  • Name some countries the UK exports goods to
  • Name some countries the UK imports goods from
  • Describe how goods can be the product of more than one country
  • Give some reasons why fair trade is important
  • Explain the term globalisation 


This term, our topic in computing is coding. Students will be following the  PupleMash 2code scheme each lesson.  

Year 6 Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing


Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings


Useful resources:


The websites listed below may be useful in supporting your learning this year:



If you are unable to come to school, but are well enough to continue learning, please use some of the resources above. You may also wish to;

  • Write a poem about the snow, using figurative language such as personification, similes and metaphors
  • Use a picture and annotate with adjectives, expanded noun phrases and relative clauses
  • Visit and complete one of the arithmetic papers - you will find the answers for the paper on  there too. Check to see if you beat your previous score 
  • Log in to Times Table Rockstars to improve your speed of multiplication recall, Purple Mash to complete a comprehension and Mathletics to revise topics we have learnt recently (area, adding and subtracting fractions, multiplying fractions, long division) 
  • Follow this link to inspire creativity, writing a short story/recount about one of the images. There are questions to prompt your thinking.