Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714



Welcome to Year 5's class page.

Here you will find information about our fantastic learning, experiences, class information and any other news.

Class email details:


Miss Glaysher 

Mrs Khajuria:


Miss Hughes:

Mrs Fleming:

Welcome to the Summer Term 2024

Dear Year 5 families, carers and children,

Welcome back to another fabulous term at Cranborne. The Year 5 team are all looking forward to another productive - and fun - term where we can build on all of the amazing learning.

Please find below some information about our learning that is planned for this term as well as some dates and documents that may be helpful. You can also find some suggestions (near the bottom of the page) for home learning if the school is closed or your child is unable to come to school, but feeling well enough:

Key Dates for Spring Term:

Monday 15th April= Inset day - No children please

Tuesday 16th April= First day back for children

Monday 29th April - Friday 3rd May= Bikeability

Monday 6th May= Bank holiday

Tuesday 7th May= Mind workshop 

Friday 24th May= Guitar assembly

Monday 27th May- Friday 31st May= Half term

Thursday 6th June= STEM Discovery Centre trip

Tuesday 18th June= Sports Day

Monday 24th June= Inset day - No children please

Tuesday 25th June= Exhibition evening 5-7pm

Thursday 11th July= Transition day

Sunday 14th July= Friends of Cranborne Summer Fayre

Tuesay 23rd July= 1:15pm finish


In Maths, we will revise and practise all of the maths skills that you have gained so far at school. We will also be extending your understanding in these areas and focusing on the following areas of learning:

  • Problem solving with the four operations
  • Converting measures
  • Problem solving with fractions, decimals and percentages
  • Statistics
  • Shape

At home, please continue to make regular use of Mathletics, Times Tables Rockstars and Purple Mash. Most days will begin with a Maths 'Early Morning Work' session.

Keep practising fast recall of the times tables as we know how hard you have all worked to learn these.

Physical Education:

We are lucky enough to have our specialsit PE teachers this term.

PE will be on Wednesdays and Fridays.

The PE foci for the Summer term will be athletics, gymnastics, cricket and yoga.

We are very excited about being able to use the new MUGA for outdoor PE sessions - as well as the playground and field.

Please ensure that children wear the required PE kit to school on these days, long hair is tied back and that earrings are removed. 


Religious Education: 'How did Buddha teach his followers to find enlightenment?' In this unit, we will be learning about Buddha's impact on the Buddhist community and how Buddhists search for enlightenment. Children will recognise some of the symbols of Buddhism and understand their significance.


How to help at home:

  • Use Pobble 365 website to practise creative writing
  • Practise times tables using Times Tables Rockstars
  • Reading together and asking what has happened so far
  • Discussing new vocabulary
  • Reading a range of genres: letters that come through the post, news articles
  • Practise your spellings by writing words in different colours or making a nice poster with tricky words on
  • Ask your child to explain the maths concept we have been learning this week
  • Baking – practise measuring and converting grams/kilograms
  • Telling the time

Oxford owl:

For extra spelling resources and ebooks please follow this link: 

Username: cranborne

Password: school 1 

We had a fantastic time learning about Ancient Greece. Take a look at some writing we did from our day!  -5G - 5H 



In the Summer term, our key texts will be The Viewer, Coming to England and The Highwayman. More details can be found in our curriculum overview below. 

Each book sequence involves reading, text analysis, vocabulary investigations, key grammatical skills, drafting, writing and publishing. We usually spend between 3-4 weeks on each text.

As writing was the area of learning most affected during the periods of home learning, it continues to be a school priority. In class, we will be focusing on spelling, punctuation and grammar - not just during English lessons, but across the curriculum.

In addition to the daily English lessons, there are regular comprehension, spelling and grammar lessons.

Please make sure that spellings are practised well and displayed somewhere at home.

Below is the Year 5 assessment framework which is used to help level children's writing abilities. By the end of year 5, we expect children to be working at the 'expected standard' and this means that all of the criteria in the first two sections must be consistently demonstrated by your children.


Art, Design Technology and computing:

In Art, we will be focussing on 3D sculpture techniques. We will also look at an artist from The Americas.

Computing: The learning in computing will cover the units of 3D modelling and game creator.

DT - We will be designing wooden structures to create our very own photo frames.



We will teach spelling patterns/rules weekly and children will practise these in class.

Attached is the National Curriculum Statutory Spellings for years 3/4 and year 5/6.

Please note the children should be mainly secure with the Year 3/4 spellings and working towards the Year 5/6 words.



In Science this term, we will be learning about Earth and Space. During this topic, we will look at the different components of our solar system and describe the movement of the moon relative to the Earth. We will have a trip to the STEM Discovery Centre to explore this topic in more detail. 


This term we will be completing our learning about The Americas. We will investigate the human and physical geography of regions in  South America.

Learning will take place through active investigations and exploration of a wide range of evidence. We will also encourage children to question these information sources and their reliability.

History: 'The Viking and Anglo-Saxon Struggle for the Kingdom of England'. In this topic, we will investigate how and why the Vikings raided and settled in England. We will use and discuss the reliability of first-hand and second-hand sources of evidence. We will also learn about King Alfred's victory and the divide it created in Britain.

The topic will end by learning about the 3 Kings of England in 1066 and the Battle of Hastings.


As part of Cranborne's 'wider opportunities' provision for our children, the Year 5 children will continue to have a weekly guitar lesson. These sessions are led by Carlos (a specialist music teacher) and take place on Friday afternoons.

In class, we will also listen to a range of music and practise our singing skills.

We are hoping to perorm for you all again on the afternoon of Tuesday 21st May.



Year 5 Curriculum Overview:

Home learning for self-isolation, school closure or working from home:

In the event of your child being unwell or your child needing to work at home, please see below some activities that your child could complete if well enough to do so. 

If you need any help or support when working from home then please email your class teacher


Thank you

History - Ancient Greece

Carry out some research about one of the Gods in Ancient Greece and prepare a small presentation for the class.

You could include things like:

  • how they are depicted
  • their special objects
  • any monuments dedicated to them
  • the powers they are believed to have had

The presentation could be a poster, leaflet or PowerPoint... it's up to you!


Oak Academy

BBC Bitesize


 Maths practise:

Place Value:


Test your speed and mental maths against the clock:


Practice your maths knowledge and skills:
